All Projects

Here I will Linking my all Projects links by which everyone easily get Projects Links.
1. Pixel Craft

Play with Image Pixels and undrestand how pixel work to create an images, Here you can also play with your local photos which really make fun.

Website link :-

Project link :-

2. Welcome Page or Theme Page

Web Browser theme Page where a Digital Watch shows Time and some Text , if you set your name at User place it will save your name at local storage for next time.

Website link :-

Project link :-

3. Calculator

Web Browser theme Page where a Digital Watch shows Time and some Text , if you set your name at User place it will save your name at local storage for next time.

Website link :-

Project link :-

4. 3D Name Displayer

Web Browser theme Page where a Digital Watch shows Time and some Text , if you set your name at User place it will save your name at local storage for next time.

Website link :-

Project link :-

5. Raster Scan

Web Browser theme Page where a Digital Watch shows Time and some Text , if you set your name at User place it will save your name at local storage for next time.

Website link :-

Project link :-

6. Dash Resturant

Resturant website where user can find snacks,chiense,south indian, pizaa, pani puri , etc., It give real feel of Resturant to user.

Website link :-

Project link :- ht

7. Google Map API Project

A Store Locator Map using Google Map API where user can search store and get route for that store.

Website link :-

Project link :-

8. Number to word Converter

It convert number to word from like, 54= Fifty Four.

Website link :-

Project link :-

9. Input Detection

Detection of Input Device like Mouse, Keyboard which explain how Input Device work.
1. Mouse:- Mouse make a x,y cordination point to detect the click object on window or screen.
2. Keyboard:- Keyboard send unique Ascii code for each key press to computer to detect which key is currently press by user.

Website link :-

Project link :-

10. Snake Game in C++

C++ Console Game like a snake which collect point by feeding feed, here the snake is control by user, like 1-Right, 2-Left, 3-UP, 4-Down.

Project link :-

YouTube Videos

1. Name Displayer

A console Application which take name as an input and display it with animation or moving style in console, with just iostream.h and conio.h library. check it Now.

Video link :-

Project link :-

2.Calculator in C++

A Calculator Application which is a basically Console appliction using C++ language, which is look like GUI calculator with all operations, and when user press keys it hightlight that perticular key on board .

Video link :-

Project link :-

3. JustCode Code PHP Editor And Live Runner

JustCode is user Friendly PHP Code Editor for beginner, where user can write code and test it side by side without savig the file, features:- Comment, Uncomment, Zoom In, Zoon Out, Change Font Color, Change Background Color, Tutorials, Auto Run, Save Option, Find and Replace, etc.

Video link :-

4. Text Editor in

Text Editor like Notepad where user can paste or write some notes and use tools like indent, spacing, cut,copy, paste, find and replace, find by index, Bold, Italic, Underline, Color, Background Color, Highlighter, etc.

Video link :-